
Tagged ‘charity‘

NEW BOOK RELEASE: Under the Mask of Philanthropy

March 3, 2017


“Superb and unsurpassed.” — Christian Parenti

“Michael Barker’s historically grounded critique of those most pernicious of political forces, the philanthropic foundations, is superb and unsurpassed. Everyone who is serious about a rebuilt Left that can win should read this book. As Barker shows masterfully the foundations exist to confuse, deflect, and channel away the wrath of the people. By muddying the intellectual waters foundations have been as damaging as police spies and company thugs. They operate by the logic Machiavelli explained, ‘you may hold the fortresses, yet they will not save you if the people hate you…’ Thus the foundations defend capitalism by placating, ameliorating, confusing, and fomenting division.”— Christian Parenti, author of Lockdown America:  Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis



WATCH | The Nonprofit Industrial Complex: an Accessory to the Crime of Capitalism

Video published on Oct 29, 2013

“Perhaps one of the most advanced mechanisms by which the ruling class maintains the status quo is the manipulative and ever so infamous Nonprofit Industrial Complex. This is an intricate system involving relationships between the Ruling Class, State bureaucracy, Social Service and Social Justice Organizations. The purpose of this complex is to create an accommodation to capitalism, though they’re known for tackling the effects of policies under the system that create the problems in the first place, attacking the symptoms of the disease rather than the disease itself. Though not all nonprofits fall victim to this accommodation, many of them exist solely for self-perpetuation, in which the organizations fashion themselves to only mitigate the problem that needs solving, rather than eliminate it in order to justify their existence.”