
Public Good Project: Intrepid and Indispensable

Intercontinental Cry

October 27, 2015

 by John Ahni Schertow


With Wise Use fascism on the rise, and both mainstream media and Wall Street-funded NGOs cowering in fear, Public Good Project has been indispensable in illuminating this urgent threat, and intrepid in demonstrating how to combat it. Our work as volunteer journalists at IC Magazine has benefited immeasurably from the penetrating insight of Public Good researchers and analysts.

Public Good has just eight days left to raise the funds it needs to continue helping us drive a stake through the heart of this public relations monster of the power elite.

Head over to Indiegogo now to pitch in


[John Ahniwanika Schertow is an internationally recognized editor and publisher, a self-taught web developer and an award winning journalist of Kanienkehaka and mixed-European descent. For the past nine years, Ahni has served as the driving force behind Intercontinental Cry, an online magazine which he also founded. As a poet and freelance journalist, Ahni has been featured in the Guardian, Toward Freedom, the Dominion, Madre, Earth First, Swerve Magazine and several other publications. In 2011, Ahni won a Project Censored Award for his coverage of a coordinated military attack on Samburu Pastoralists in north central Kenya. In addition to his work as a journalist, Ahni provides a wide range of support to individuals and organizations around the world. He is frequently approached for his opinion and extensive knowledge of Indigenous struggles. Ahni is a regular guest on CKUW’s weekly radio program Warning Shots; a correspondent for the Public Good Project; and the Coordinator of the IC Translation Project. Email: intercontinentalcry [at] Twitter: @indigenous_news]

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