
Tagged ‘indigenous Struggles‘

Election of Napoleon Chagnon to National Academy of Sciences Part of US Rightward Shift

March 5, 2013


by Nikolai Brown

As noted by Survival International, Napoleon Chagnon’s view that the Yanomami are ‘sly, aggressive and intimidating’ and that they ‘live in a state of chronic warfare’ has been widely discredited.

As noted by Survival International, Napoleon Chagnon’s view that the Yanomami are ‘sly, aggressive and intimidating’ and that they ‘live in a state of chronic warfare’ has been widely discredited.

Onkwehón:we Rising is sharing this article from the comrades at If you haven’t already, be sure to check them out.

The election last September to the National Academy of Sciences of Napoleon Chagnon, a controversial ‘sociobiologist’ in the field of anthropology, along with the recent release of his memoir Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes – the Yanomamö and the Anthropologists, has reopened controversy around his famous work with the Yanomami Indians in the rain-forests of Venezuela beginning in the 1960s.

American Indian Culture: Traditionalism and Spiritualism in a Revolutionary Struggle

Feb 27, 2013


Traditionalist Kanien’kehá:ka Warriors during the Oka Crisis

Traditionalist Kanien’kehá:ka Warriors during the Oka Crisis

This essay, written in 1974 by Jimmie Durham, is one of the most influential documents on Onkwehón:we Rising’s perspective. In this piece Durham, critically addresses the colonial attitudes of White “leftists” which have historically caused much friction between our liberation movement and the wider left.